Stubby Ambient System
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Stubby Schwalm System - Ambient Cure
The Stubby Liner system extends up the lateral pipe 6 inches and provides a full-circle; one-piece structural connection with Insignia® hydrophilic compression gasket sealing.

Stubby Packers and Accessories
- (2) Lateral Packer Flow Through for 8″ main
- (2) Lateral Packer Flow Through Style – Suitable for mains with a diameters of 10-12 inches
- (1) Lateral Packer Flow Through Style 12″-16″ Flow through Packer
- (3) STUBBY™ TEE Shaped Bladder (Bladder to be mounted on packers listed above)
- (6) Airhose Drum for Packers (Drum with Airhose 4mm 150′ length)
- (2) 315 Air Gauges
Layflat Hose Assembly Parts

- Schwalm Robot – Focus Camera
- The robot will be supplied standard with the following items:
- Air motor type 2025-P Serial-Nr.
- Air motor type 2560-P Serial-Nr.
- Side weights, Digital Box, four sets of axle extension sets 12″-24″
- Lifting hook, hydraulic oil, hydraulic oil including a filling device; several tools; operator’s manual and transportation box
- Main Cable Repair Kit
- A high-resolution, tilt, focus camera with integrated LED lighting
- Digital Control Unit 19″ Video System (To build into vehicle)
- Text generator and an electronical meter counter on screen (INCLUDES OSD Card)
- The unit controls all six functions of the robot.
- Has a proportional speed control. Power supply 120 V/60Hz and capacity approx. 1000 Watts. Weight 29 Kg.
- Vehicle mounted remote control unit for control of forward/backwards movement of the robot.
- Electrical cable drum RA200
- Aluminum frame, emergency switch, digital footage counter on the front
- Adjustable pulling strength of the cable, adjustable speed, automatic or manual control.
- Includes a mounting bracket for the drum
- Power supply 115V 60 Hz or 220 Volts 50Hz
- Twin Hose Drum Reel – top feed
- 500 feet of air and water hose. Includes camera cleaning unit
- (4) Carbide wheels (Per each) Large Robot
- (2) Piranha Milling Head
- (4) Carbide wheels (Per each) Large Robot
- (2) Piranha Milling Head
- Cone shaped special mill for cutting all kinds of materials except steel
- Diameter 2.04 inches, Height 2.08 inches, Number of segments 24
- (2) Mushroom Shaped Milling Head
- Suitable for cutting all kinds of materials
- Diameter 3.8 inches, small version with diamonds. Number of segments 12
- (2) Wire Brush Head
- Small Cup Form- 2.5″
- Air Motor Extension (4-inch) for 2560P Air Motor
- Air Motor Extension (6-inch) for 2560P Air Motor
- (2) Hydraulic Hose Short
- (3) Bearings 618/8
- (2) Bearings 61803 2Z
- Seal 17-26-6 BA
- (2) Seal 45-58-7 BABSL
- (4) Seal 30-47-7 BABSL
- Camera Cleaning Unit on Robot
- Air Hose for Cutting Motor
- Digital Motor for Tool Movement
- Digital Motor for Hydraulic and Arm Rotation
- Wings for Air Mortor 2025 1000 W
- V-Belt for 2060
- Test Box for 1330/2060 Robot
LMK CIPP T-Liner Wet Out Trailer – 28 ft.

- License Fee per Territory (State), T-Liner
- Training, Charge per Day, T-Liner, In-House at LMK’s Facility. Minimum 4 training days required. Trainees: Minimum 4, Maximum 8. LMK will provide all necessary training materials. Continental breakfast and lunch will also be provided. 2 Trainers
- Training, Charge per Day, T-Liner, at Customer Location/Jobsite. Minimum 4 training days required. Trainees: minimum 4, maximum 8. Field Training must be scheduled to occur within 60 days from In-House Training. 2 Trainers
- Travel Expenses for LMK Technicians/Trainers – Airfare (Economy or Coach) and/or Rental Car – will be added to order when travel is completed
- (2) Travel Mobilization Time / per Trainer – Within Continental US